Monday, September 19, 2016

New Wee Water Babies Review

Hi everyone I hope your having a great Saturday so far, thank you so much for taking the time to stop by Gracie’s Toy Chest. Last weekend when I was toy hunting I ran across new Wee Water Babies that I had to pick up to add to my current collection, and I am in love with these adorable new water babies. In case you missed it I do have a review on three of the other wee water babies you can check it out here. Wee Water Babies Review

I was so excited when I ran across these new wee water babies I had no idea they was going to be coming out with different styles. I have to say even though I love my other set of water babies I think I like these new ones a little better.

There are 6 different Wee Water Babies in this collection:
Wee Owl
Wee Puppy
Wee Kitty
Wee Mermaid 
Wee Panda
Wee Splash

I picked up 4 of the 6 I’m not that big into mermaids so their for I didn’t pick up Wee Mermaid or Wee Splash. I found all 6 at Toys R Us and at Meijer for $7.99 which I thought was a great price because I paid $8.98 for the other wee water babies that I purchased at walmart. I picked up Wee Kitty and Wee Panda at Toys R Us, little did I know that while I was at Meijer I would decide to pick up the other two that I liked Wee Puppy and Wee Owl. 

To me I think what sets these new Wee Water Babies apart from the other wee water babies is their swimmers caps are cuter. From the other collection I have 3 Wee Swimmer, Wee Bubbles and Wee Froggie, I love all three but wee swimmer is my least favorite of the group because I’m not big on her swimmers cap. These however I love all of their swimmers caps and I cant pick a favorite because I love them all.  

These Wee Water Babies are just to cute I love them. Now lets take a closer look at the babies out of their packaging. 

From left to right
Wee Owl
Wee Kitty
Wee Puppy and
Wee Panda

Wee Panda has gorgeous Turquoise eyes that match her undies, Her undies are turquoise blue with a pink satin bow. She has one dark brow curl hanging down on her face. Her black and white panda swimmers cap is absolutely adorable. 

A closer look at Wee Pandas adorable face

Wee Kitty has beautiful violet colored eyes and one light brown curl hanging down her adorable little face. She has on pink felt undies with a baby blue satin bow. 

Hers a closer look at Wee Kitty

Wee owl is looking super cute her her owl swimmers cap and her pink and white striped undies with a blue satin bow. She has one adorable little blond curl hanging down with pretty light purple eyes. 

A close up on wee owl

Wee puppy has one of the cuties little swimmers hats on I just love it. She has one white undies with purple polka dots on them with a baby blue satin bow. She has One light blond curl hanging down her face and pretty purple eyes that match her swimmers cap. 

A close up on the adorable Wee Puppy

I hope you enjoyed my review on the new Wee Water Babies I love these little water babies and I'm sure you would to. Have a great week 

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